Teyvat is a fantasy world where the seven elements flow and converge. Teyvat consists of seven nations, Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Snezhnaya, owning an element each that is established by the Archons. A vision is given by the Archons to Teyvatians who deserve it. Teyvat RPW is based from the video game "Genshin Impact", which is an open-world action role-playing and adventure game developed and published by video game company miHoYo.DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with Genshin Impact nor miHoYo, everything is strictly for roleplaying purposes only.


Prologue: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
"The dragon who defended Mondstadt for a millennium finally faces his perturbation. What does freedom really mean when demanded of you by a god?"
I: Farewell, Archaic Lord
"The god of contracts, senselessly slaughtered as he people watched on in horror. In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts."
II: Omnipresence Over Mortals
"In the secluded land of the immortal Shogun, the Bakufu reigns eternal. But what do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god?"
III. Truth Amongst the Pages of Purana
"The god of wisdom’s enemy is wisdom itself, and the oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance. In the City of Scholars, there is a push for folly. Yet the god of wisdom makes no argument against it."
IV. Masquerade of the Guilty
"The god of justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the Divine."
V. Incandescent Ode of Resurrection
"The rules of war are woven in the womb. The victor shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash. When the god of war shares this secret with the Traveler, it is because she has her reasons."
VI. Everwinter Without Mercy
"She is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her. Her followers hope only to be on her side when the day of her rebellion against the Divine comes at last."
VII. The Dream Yet to Be Dreamed
"In the perpetual meantime of a sheltered eternity, most are content to live, and not to dream. But in the hidden corners where the gods’ gaze does not fall, there are those that dream of dreaming."


Respect is a must upon entering Teyvat. Respect the Archons and your fellow Teyvatians. Please be sensitive, we don't tolerate insensitive or ignorant people here.
Once being a Teyvatian, we encourage you to welcome newcomers. A short message, picture, video, gif, or just a simple "welcome" would do.
After being accepted, you are tasked to do 70 tweets for 24 hours as your quota. There are question threads on the Archon account's (@TEYVATArchons) thread of threads that can help you in your quota. After you're done with your quota, tweet "Quota Reached" and mention @TEYVATArchons for some rewards and for us to add you to the GDMs.
Follow only your fellow Teyvatians and the accounts that are affiliated with Teyvat once you get accepted. Please refrain from following accounts that are not affiliated with Teyvat, we are a closed rp.
Interacting outside Teyvat is prohibited, Teyvat is a CLOSED RP. Once caught, you will receive a warning. Interact only with those who are affiliated with Teyvat, but don't be selective on who you interact with, we don't want anyone to feel out of place.
There are two types of currency in teyvat.
Mora (🪙) - The basic Teyvat currency. This can be earned through completing quests, events, Spiral Abyss, and domains. (adding domain option soon)Primogem (✨) - This type of currency is earned by completing quests such as archon quests, world quests, and the Spiral Abyss. This is only used for events.You can also convert Mora into Primogem and Primogem into Mora. Just simply send a form.
1,000 Mora = 1 Primogem
Dailies in Teyvat. Do your commissions every day by being active, interactive, and especially by answering the attendance. You will receive rewards after doing so.
Daily attendance - 25,000 Mora and 60 PrimogemsPlayable character in-game
You can have a character in-game(that is playable or an upcoming playable character) as your 2nd FC or AU. You can only apply if you have a vision and nation. To apply a character in-game, the character's element and nation must be the same as yours.
Nation: Mondstadt
Vision: Anemo
Desired Character: Venti(Anemo)
Change FC and Character
Changing your Face Claim costs 100k Mora while changing your character costs 150k Mora. The first change is for free. The Change FC and Change Character form must be sent to the Archons (@TEYVATArchons)
The Archons will give away visions to 5 people every week, so please be patient. In receiving a vision, the Archons will construct a story on how you got your vision, every Teyvatian has a different story, it might be sad or happy.
Spiral Abyss
The Spiral Abyss opens every two weeks. This is where you can fight enemies for rewards such as Mora and Primogems. Details will be posted in the Spiral Abyss account.
Dating ban
Time-limited. Dating is not allowed within 7 days of entering. Remember that Teyvat is NOT a dating site nor a dating base. Move-in couples however are exempted, just inform us to let us know.
Thread of threads
Everyone should have their thread of threads which consists:
- Mora tracker
- Primogems tracker
- The story about your vision. (Everyone has a story on how they got their vision made by the archons so be patient, not everyone gets a vision immediately.)
Op stuff
Op stuffs like face reveals, ooc pictures, and videos are not allowed. Ooc tweets however are allowed, just tag it with "#OOC" "[]" "#" or a cw / tw.
We are an N/SFW rp, we only limit NSFW in fighting and violence, just simply tag it with a cw / tw. We don't tolerate sexual things on the TL, better settle this privately, not everyone is comfy.
ANY form of toxicity is not allowed in this base, our base is made to be a safe space for roleplayers. We do not tolerate this shit, girlie.
We encourage everyone to plot on the TL, much better if you use your vision. Every 2 weeks, the Spiral Abyss opens, this is where you can plot fighting enemies, and receive rewards after defeating them.
No promoting of other RPWs inside Teyvat as this is considered rude and disrespectful for us.
Please refrain from blocking, as a joke or not, you will receive a warning once you get caught. If you have a concern about a Teyvatian, much better if you tell us first so we can handle it. If you're gonna soft block, please leave from the GDMs first.
Deactivating your account would result in being kicked from this rpw. Once you deactivate, you will be banned from joining Teyvat. We have a Quit form for a reason.
One week of inactivity would result in being kicked, but you can only come back once. If you can't be active for a week or more, at least send us a Hiatus form to let us know. We have a Hiatus form for a reason.
Fonts are not allowed in the base, any kind of font that can't be read by a screen reader is not allowed.
CuriousCat and SayOut
You are not allowed to use anonymous applications such as CuriousCat and SayOut since it might cause unwanted hate and toxicity.
The First offense for going against the rules would result in being dmed by the archons to settle this said inconvenience.
Second offense may result in mora deduction and a warning from the archon account.
Third offense, since we've seen how many times you've crossed the line and by doing other offenses mentioned above, you will be kicked and banned from this roleplay world, we do not tolerate such disgusting behavior.


Teyvatians - It is what the citizens of Teyvat are called. The people of Teyvat.Archons - The seven gods who rule over the seven regions of Teyvat.Mora - The basic Teyvat currency.Primogems - The currency that is only used for events.Vision - It is a gift bestowed upon those who dwell in Teyvat and are recognized by the gods. This grants the user elemental abilities based on the element of their given Vision.Elements:
Anemo - Associated with air and wind.
Geo - Associated with earth and stone.
Electro - Associated with lightning and electricity.
Dendro - Associated with nature and plants.
Hydro - Associated with water.
Pyro - Associated with fire.
Cryo - Associated with ice and cold.


Check the masterlist first if your Desired FC is available and dm the Archons (@TEYVATArchons) with the format "Desired FC + Group/Soloist/Actor/Actress/etc." We accept Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Ulzzang FCs. We won't accept banned FCs. After that, the Archons will send you a dm on the next procedures. Reservations must be sent using a fan account, personal account, or open rp account that is at least 2 months old, newly made dummy accounts will not be entertained.All forms must be sent to the Archons. (@TEYVATArchons)

Change FC Form
- The first change is for free
- 100k Mora
AU Name:
Current FC:
New FC:
Character title:
Playable character Form
- unreleased upcoming playable character is accepted
- you can only apply if you have a vision
- must be the same element with your vision
- must be the same nation as you
- 150k Mora
AU Name:
Character title:
Desired Character:
Change Character Form
- The first change is for free
- 100k Mora
AU Name:
Character title:
Current Character:
New Character:
Hiatus Form
AU Name:
Face Claim:
Until when:
Quit Form
AU Name:
Face Claim:
Converting Form
- we only limit up to 60,000 mora/60 primogems per day
AU Name:
Amount to convert: (with the link of the amount you deducted from your tracker)
Into what currency: